Monday, August 22, 2011

Organizing: Play date Back Pack

I make lunch for Isabel & Ray every night. {One less thing to do in the a.m.}
I also get all of Sophia's things together that she is going to need for her play date the following morning.
It usually doesn't take long, BUT I always end up looking for something else I forgot to pack in the morning as I am scooting Sophie out the door.

Sooo when I found this backpack on sale I just had to grab it!

It was too cute and was too small for Isabel so I knew it would be perfect for my little ninja.

Don't worry, she looks at every one like that...

Sophie wearing her Sophie bows =)

Okay, okay, back to the pack...

Here is what is inside:

Plain & Simple right? {makes me want to reorganize my purse.....hmm...}

First things first for me is a change of clothes. Sophie is a tom boy and loves to get dirty or spill anything she can get her hands on. I just pack her some shorts and a shirt I got for $1 at Carters this past weekend! It was 70% off and then they were doing an extra 20 % off! Any who, her hair is also long enough to put in pigtails. {not long enough for a pony tail} So I have an extra set of pink Sophie bows in her bag.

If you were wondering, yes I make them, and yes you can find them here {cause I know you are all wondering about the bows!!} ;)

Since we live in the great state of Texas and it has been in the 100's all freakin' year {more like a month, but if you don't live here you don't know what we go through, so don't judge! (0; ...} most of our play dates consist of pool's or splash parks. I found a BUNCH of swim suits for $5 at Target so I snagged a couple so that when I have to take this one out to get washed I can put another in it's place.

Toys! Toys! Toys!
I had to pack Sophie's car keys because she always wants to play with mine.

I found this pencil box at Target for about .11 cents or so. Isabel already picked out a pencil box but I knew I would use this for something, and her lala loopsy's and cars fit perfect. { she is a tom boy at heart, I threw the lala's in there hoping she would play with them over the cars lol}

a couple of pampers & wipes, but of course!

After it is all folded and put away this is what it looks like. I still have plenty of room, but I like that it isn't jam packed. That's when things start falling out everywhere when I go searching for something. So no jam packing for me anymore.

Her back pack is hanging at the door ready to go with her on our next adventure!

If you have a little one, and have been thinking about finding some other mommies with little ones the same age I would really recommend Meet Up. I joined a meet up group on here and have met some amazing mommies and their littles.

So this is our new play pack. Do you have a great organizing tip for when planning a day out with your little?! =)

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